Tanking as a Dk.

I've gone fully from healer to a DK tank, and its been a learning experience... I do great at AoE tanking but it seems I fall apart at single target, I don't know if it is my spec or maybe my rotation is weak for single target... but I'm dieing to figure it out......

I mean is there some attack that DK's have that can really front load the threat over a bunch of hair trigger dps that would run ahead of the tanks if we didn't keep them on a leash? and seriously would it kill some dps to wait a moment before whapping a target before it gets to a tank..... really dps........ Dead dps doesn't ya know dps....... can't kill the boss if your killed.... It shouldn't be numbers people it should be getting the boss down.

It's Bacon!

As Xi pointed out, I'm the D in "DXL" and I play the tankadin. I'm also the glue the keeps the group together. :P Xirella got me to come to wow a few years ago now from another game and I haven't stopped playing since. I'm normally not a progression person, but Xi and Lexi got me into it and now there's nothing I enjoy quite like tanking raid bosses (something that unfortunately I don't do enough of). I've been pretending to build a ret set lately, but I'm thinking it might just be easire to build a healing set (we have one healing pally, but tons of plate dps) so we'll see how long that lasts.

This post

Xi is right as for what I bring to the group.... I am the healer... A shaman one and I'm most likely the only healer to get the killing blow on Zul'jin as the last man standing in a ten man. before wrath came out.

I also have been doing a bit of Death knight tanking lately and I gotta admit they are solid tanks...... If only I could get a better 2hnder to drop... it really seems they have dried up for our guild.

On that subject we gout our first Vezax kill on sunday.

First Post

When you work with a group of people long enough, things start to become second nature. For myself, Dayn, and Elexin (Lexi), there isn't much in the last year or so that we've done without one another. Sure, life gets in the way sometimes, but the important thing is that we're a team. So, in the spirit of a team, I thought it'd be neat to have a team blog. Because that's how we roll. I'll start.

I'm obviously the crazy one of the bunch. Seriously. I run Whirlwind of Doom, which contains "How-tos" for Fury warriors, as well as rants that sound like you pricked a sailor in the foot with a chainsaw. I'm also the one you want in a street fight. If it can be used as a weapon, I know how to use it. XD

Hopefully, my cohorts will follow suit. Until then, I got nothing.