Have you heard?

You may have noticed the massive amount of posts about Star Trek Online that have been cropping up around the blogosphere.

I'm just fucking with you.  No one is talking about it.  Why?  Probably because it's a half-finished game.

And I mean that in the nicest way possible.  Seriously.

I know there were a lot of haters when the game first came out, and they all said the same damn thing.  Well, two months and a lifetime subscription later, and I've reached the same conclusion that they have.  I still insist that, once you have reached max level, there is squat to do.  Sure, there are those two raidisodes (Try saying that and not laugh, WoW players,  I dare you), but they're poorly designed and are the -only- missions that they've thrown at us since launch.  It's like releasing Ulduar and letting that be the only content to do at level 80.

(Of course, I use Ulduar as an example because "LET'S ADD ADD PHASEZ HURRRRR" is not a good design philosphy.  Cryptic can't really get a grasp on this concept either, as is evidenced by the borg "zerg" tactics that we see in both "raid" episodes.)

That may seem like an exaggeration, but I'm pretty sure it's accurate.  -Nothing- to prepare you, gear or skill-wise, for the radical difficulty shift, and it also leaves you in the same predicament that made me leave WoW.  I don't like being tethered to people for the sake of gear (and in this instance, sheer gameplay), but the ridiculously difficult raid episodes and the lack of any other type of endgame content pretty much guarantees that.

So, yeah.  Half-finished.  No content.  Bored, QQ.  Honestly, if I hadn't given them my money for a lifetime (In my defense, they didn't announce their horrible design philosophy until after the 30 day "safety" period had passed) subscription, I would've already closed the lid on it.  But, since I have nothing better to do, I poke around from time to time, and play with Dayn when his job isn't owning his soul.

I was going to go on a rant about my car...  but I'm kinda tired.  Long story short:  My ride is busted and now I have to sell it to a scrapyard.  FUCKING YAY!

Additionally, my old computer is dead, but I managed to scrounge up the dough for a replacement (read: begged for cash).  It's got one of those new i5 chips, and she purrs.  Apparently, my little 9800 graphics card was being throttled by my crappy mobo and chip back in the day.  Add an i5, 4gigs of ram, and stir, and now I can run my games at their max settings.  BTW, Star Trek Online uses lots of bloom.

How much bloom?

Needless to say, there's a pretty drastic change. I'll have to see if I can find some before/after pics and do a montage.  Maybe when I feel like it.